SocEntChi provides a comprehensive list of social impact companies registered or operating in Illinois including Low-Profit Limitiy Liability Corporations (L3C's), Non-Profit organizations (501(c)3's, Benefit Corporations and BCorps. Not on the list? Fill out the form below to have your organization added.
Low-profit Limited Liability Companies pursue charitable or educational purposes above all others, invite foundations’ program-related investments, and galvanize diverse stakeholders around mission permanently and irrevocably by law
Corporations whose articles of incorporation require them to pursue a material, positive impact on society and the environment, as measured by a third-party standard
For-profit organizations certified by B Lab as meeting its rigorous sustainability criteria
Market-based activities, used to generate income reducing dependence on grants and donations, which can fluctuate depending on economic conditions.
Businesses that employ market-based strategies primarily to pursue social or environmental missions